Medieval Soldier: Alien Invasion


This game was made in a Game Jam called Quarantine Jam that has had its own popularity among people during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. We were given 72 hours of time and the game's theme was really open ended, it was "A Lot Of". At first, me and my team were really short on ideas, so we decided to do "A lot of aliens" or "A lot of invasions". We didn't really care too much about the theme, we just wanted to make something polished and fun. We were 8 people who met on the event's Discord server: our team was formed by two programmers, a sound designer, a composer and the rest were all artists. The game is available for download on (the link is at the bottom of the page).

Technical Aspects

I was the leader of the team, we used Trello to coordinate all of our work on the fly. The other programmer handled all of the work on the UI, while I implemented all of the artwork, all of the animations and coded all of the game mechanics from A to Z; I also created the enemy's AI. For the animations, we used Mocap animations from Mixamo, in which I've also integrated Inverse Kinematics through code. Due to the short amount of time that was left, I didn't get the chance to fix a bit of the visual bugs that happened due to the IK - I preferred focusing on content and gameplay.


The gameplay follows a simple challenge-reward game mechanic, although we didn't have time to reward player with XP and an upgrade system. This has brought us to reward the player with weapons, making the player have only one weapon equipped at a time with limited ammo, which would motivate him to keep on killing in the hopes of getting another weapon. The game is based off of rounds, and it has a total of two levels, with every round being more challenging than the previous. Since the gameplay content isn't a lot, I preferred making the game's length be decided through the game's difficulty.